Financial and Estate Planning Management for Families with Special Needs
​​Our goal is to make this a better world for people with special needs and their families. We collaborate with families to develop and implement a Lifetime Care Plan that benefits our clients, gives peace of mind to their caregivers, and helps them navigate life with confidence.
A better life for them...
peace of mind for you.
How we Help
For more than 34 years, Archer Consulting has aspired to make this a better world for people with special needs and their families. We collaborate with families to develop a Lifetime Care Plan that benefits our clients, gives peace of mind to their caregivers and, helps them navigate life with confidence.
Our Phiolosphy
Designing a quality Lifetime Care Plan requires a mastery of complex issues. Comprehensive planning is built upon a foundation of financial and legal security, encompassing all aspects of life for our clients and their families. The Archer Consulting Group team of experts understands how each step impacts the plan, and our integrated approach charts a course that helps families and caregivers reach their financial and life care goals.
Let us help you master the complex issues.
Completely personalized based on your unique needs.
What you can Expect
​We will first meet to determine the needs of your family. This initial meeting ensures both parties have everything they need to move forward with planning.
Once all parties are clear on the desired outcome, we will design a lifetime care plan for your family member's unique needs. We carefully coordinate their legal, medical, financial, governmental, vocational, residential, and educational requirements into a rational and viable plan. This unified approach eliminates much of the frustration many families encounter when caring for a person with lifetime care needs and assures that your loved ones receive the level of services they deserve... for a lifetime.